Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day...

You are so special child. You slept with us last night from 330 on. Not good sleep for Mommy but you know those moments are still wonderful as I resign myself to just enjoying you. I lay there in the dark and still see you in the perfect light. All of your sweet body. Feeling every breath you take and so thankful for each one. You're hands all over my face. So then we woke up this morning on Mother's Day and I'm wearing a cute shirt your teachers made for me with your smiling face and you sure thought that was neat to see when you opened your eyes. We are doing brunch today and you'll find out how much I love breakfast in coming years. Your Nana is here which is a treat. We've never shared a Mother's Day let alone seen each other on Mother's Day for so many years. We will hopefully spend a lot of time with your Uncle Chris this week as soon he'll be leaving for the Army. I hate he'll miss seeing you grow up, you and your brother/sister. Well, on this, and every day, I'm so thankful... this is the best role I could hope to fill. As years go by dear son I hope I'm the kind of Mom you'll grow to be proud of... course I know I'll be doing a good job if for several years in there you are throughly embarrassed by me... but other than that ;) Thanks for this opportunity. There is no greater joy. 

Friday, April 30, 2010

Someone's Birthday getting close...

Don't know if I've ever mentioned how much you love the mole behind my ear. Yes, I know odd topic, but one of those things a Mom doesn't want to forget. Some kids have a teddy or blankie, you have my mole. You know the word and ask for it, making sure you sit on the right side of me or seek it out when we nap together. You just rub it and it soothes you. So anyway, not much time to plan for your Birthday. I was gonna go all out and invite tons of people but that seems so overwhelming not to mention just a lot of money when you would be just as happy with family here. So I want to tackle that today. A "theme"... which makes your Dad laugh. Let's see, what else... guess we will play outside today also. Hopefully I'll be productive and find something concrete to do. Oh I know, I need to bake your Dad a pie! ;) Of course you'll be helping me. Always such a great helper in the kitchen on your chair. Love ya buddy of mine. 

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

So Mommy is finally getting over the tired part brought on by your little bro/sis. Things have been really great so far and definitely a repeat of your time spent in Mommy. You enjoy taking a belly picture with me everyday. And if someone asks you know to say there is a baby in my belly. Still, I know that concept isn't something you get. Currently you are doing super with some short sentences and it seems to really be speeding up, your understanding that you can put several words together. Lately everything is "I..." or "Haydin help". You want to do it all yourself and pull the chair up to the counter to help me with everything in the kitchen. Already the time you've spent outside this year is vastly different than last. You just do your own thing and run around. Sometimes it's hard if I get distracted working and turn around and you are gone! You can zip down the stairs, down the driveway and around the house or down the hillside. You are always responsive though when we ask you to come be somewhere we are. You love riding the mower wether it's parked or actually riding it with Dada. We have been very busy lately getting out and about, attending events and activities. Your brilliant smile, very real sense of humor, amazing laugh and now engaging dialogue continue to make everyone who meets you just think you are so amazing. I'm stunned you will be 2 years old soon. How cool is that? Your Grandma and Grandpa are coming soon and I can't wait for them to just marvel at how much you've changed. After that Nana and Pap will be here for Mother's Day and your Birthday. Hopefully we will be getting 2 very important projects done. Over the summer we have a lot to do and decisions to make regarding both your room and the guest room. They are both getting redone... we'll just have to decide how and to what extent. Oh and you are now singing songs with me which is just the sweetest thing. You like the same songs over and over. We are gonna ditch your paci on your Birthday which I'm stoked for. Also, you are super cuddly lately and hold Mommy's face, ear, mole, all the time still in addition to kissing my belly and rubbing my back. Laying all over me lots. I adore it. Goodness, I know I'm forgetting lots I've been meaning to jot down. I plan on keeping this until your 2nd Birthday and then just adding it to my regular journal. 

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

March 2010 22 months

The BEST thing to hear from you. You say your "love yous" to all that are around you in life. Lots of hugs and kisses go from you to all your little friends. You think and talk about Col-col, Ciss, Matt lots and are always so excited to see any of them. You talk lots now. Potty training was going well. You are now on a boycott of that and brushing your  teeth. We've had a long spell of you napping with me which has ruined bedtime since you think I'm supposed to be with you in bed again. You point to Mommy's room and cry "bed" or ask "Momma, sit" meaning stay beside your crib again and stroke your head until you are asleep. You've seen deer recently in our sideyard/backyard and thought that was pretty cool. Your incisors are halfway through. Let's see... you're gonna be 2 in two months. You understand really in-depth concepts such as behind, turn it over, "it's imaginary", and full drawn out conversations. Well your pregnant Momma is beat so ...

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Starting March...

Good grief it's been too long! Just wanted to get this down though. Last  night Daddy got you to successfully float on your back. You loved it once you got the hang of it. We cheered and cheered for you. You have been super kind in hanging out with your very tired, pregnant Mommy. I can't believe you are going to be a big brother. I guess I haven't even written about that yet. Another blog eh? But we have been napping lots together since work has been slow for me. Which is wonderful actually. I already feel that sense of "oh no I'm going to loose all the special time with my Haydin". I'm certain you and I will figure it all out though. We went to a playdate yesterday and that was lots of fun. Tomorrow we are meeting friends for lunch and then having two girlfriends and their kids over for playtime. I really need to do it more often honestly. So good for the both of us to have these connections and relationships. Already having to enroll you in school for next year to keep your place. We've had a couple warm days lately and the daffodils are peeking up out of the ground... always good for the spirit. Very excited for gardening this spring and summer with you. Anyway, short and sweet cuz I'm feeling blah. 

Friday, February 19, 2010

Valentine's come and gone...

Sweet dear child. You had been sick for quite some time, even had your first ear infection. Me too in fact, sick that is. After the blahs have passed I was so shocked by the exuberance and happy energy that came forth from you. It's like I had forgotten how much the universe shines through you. Daddy was gone for a week (a very long week it seemed) to visit your Uncle Craig in San Fransisco. The had an amazing time but we missed him very much. Things have been slow with work lately but that has given us so much more blessed, creative, connected time together. Your Grandma and Grandpa had also come to visit right before Daddy left and you had a great time with them. They are currently in Florida escaping the cold and snow which we have had plenty of. I am really enjoying just being in the moment with you each day. All the moments spend sitting and reading books. All the tugs on my ear the early morning cuddles in bed. Your beaming smile and raucous laughter. 

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Love you.

We've been having a blast with the recent snow. Your Uncle Chris and Matt came over. They all took turns pulling you in the sled, rolling around with you, trying to show you how amazing the snow is. Also I haven't been working so much so more time for you we've spent so much time just cuddling together and reading books. We were all sick once again, no fun there. Mommy starts coughing though and there you are rubbing my back lovingly. You are very good about coughing into your arm since we taught you that. Lately you have started saying "no" allot. We don't know where you've gotten it, probably school, since we don't really use it that often with you. It's really so cute though and Dad and I have a hard time not laughing, or even just smiling, because your mouth forms this perfect little "o" and it's "nooooooooOOOO" you say shaking your head emphatically. This morning you were very specific about me not just giving you soy milk but your chocolate soy (which is a super green food powder for kids that has cocoa in it). It was really amazing to me since you were using your own word for it and I didn't understand so I lifted you up and you got it out of the fridge and then grabbed the soy also. You know everyone's names:
Col Col (Aunt Colleen)
Kiss (Chris)
Keg (Craig)
and we are working furiously on Grandma and Grandpa. They will be here this next weekend though and I'm sure you will get it right away this time. Seems Gama and Gampa are easier though. We'll see if they go for that for now. Riding in the car you are adamant about giving back your snack or drink to me when you are finished. You certainly like everything just so. You've picked right back up on potty training. We definitely are letting you lead us there and aren't pushing you but we are really surprised by you. You continue to be super affectionate to everyone and that makes me prouder than anything. To see the outward expression of what I first felt about your spirit since holding you inside me, is a joy.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Little Kandinsky....

Originally uploaded by Kate Treap

THIS is too much fun with you. In fact when you get up from your nap today, after you eat, then run around outside for the benefit of sunshine and fresh air. We are coming in and going crazy with the paints again whilst I get dinner on. Daddy is definitely going to have to score a big roll of paper for down the hallway. At first you were very tentative and didn't want it all over your hands. Just your pointer fingers dipping in. Of course that was short lived as you realized how cool the squishy-gushy feeling is.

So sad.

Originally uploaded by Kate Treap

There is a lot more of this going on that your Father and I enjoy. Still, we know the root of it is just age appropriate inability to communicate all the things you think an feel and that it's rough on you. We calmly just get on your level and get eye contact with you... talk it out, empathize, give you some love, find a distraction. You are using more and more words but I'm really going to focus on some sign language to go with the emotions so maybe that will help when you get frustrated.

Cooking with my baby

Cooking with my baby
Originally uploaded by Kate Treap
You are very much in bay-bee mode as of late. When we are out and about if you hear them cry you softly sing out: Bay-bee! You like seeing them on tv. You want to carry them around and do what Daddies and Mommies do. You have a very caring spirit.